• Habitat Pictures/Travels

    Here are in reverse chronological order sorted images of the habitats in the USA. For a better overview, the galleries can also be filtered by individual species or states.

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13.04.2022 Turkey Creek north of Drayton (GA, Dooly Co.)

After taking the boat trip on the Flint River in the morning, Charlie Andrews and I were eager to see more R. flammeum. In the meantime, John and Sally Perkins had joined us. On the map, not far from the boat landing, a Turkey Creek was marked showing nice and promising north and west facing bluffs north of Drayton. After driving on poor forest roads through some pine plantations, we were actually able to reach these slopes near the power line we had encountered earlier in the morning on the Flint River. After a short search we could spot the first R. flammeum and finally found quite a lot. All of the rhododendrons shown here are R. flammeum, so I am not including captions for them.

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