• Habitat Pictures/Travels

    Here are in reverse chronological order sorted images of the habitats in the USA. For a better overview, the galleries can also be filtered by individual species or states.

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01.05.2018 Cheaha Mountain (AL, Cleburne Co.)

A lone mountain chain is stretching in central Alabama from northeast to southwest. This is the most southern extension of the Appalachian Mountains and its most prominent and most northern peak is Cheaha Mountain. At the southern end of this mountain chain is Rebecca Mountain. And a little further southwest there is a single top and the very last mountain of the Appalachians, Flagg Mountain. On all these mountains R. cumberlandense can be found. However, today we concentrated on Cheaha Mountain. Here R. cumberlandense was at the very beginning of its blooming time. In contrast R. canescens and a few hybrids between the two species were in full bloom. On the mountain there was also R. aborescens, but of course it was not in bloom yet. Furthermore there is R. minus and R. catwabiense f. insularis growing here, but we did not care for these today.

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