• Habitat Pictures/Travels

    Here are in reverse chronological order sorted images of the habitats in the USA. For a better overview, the galleries can also be filtered by individual species or states.

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27.03.2018 Blackwater River SF, Wolfe Creek bayhead (FL, Santa Rosa Co.)

When we were at Wolfe Creek Bayhead in the Blackwater River State Forest today, we found that the area had been burned in a controlled manner earlier in fall or winter. Therefore, there were no flowering R. viscosum var. aemulans to be seen, as they only thrive in areas where competing plants are regularly kept down by fire. Only Pinus palustris does not mind the fires. However, in the moist ditches of the Bayhead, where the fire could not burn the juicier and greener plants, R. canescens had survived the inferno without much damage and was now in full bloom.

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